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Week 9


  • Deployed the SDK on Vercel
  • Conducted Tests to check if the stability of QR Generation
  • Migrated Interpretation and URLs to production
  • Resloved Vercel Deployment erros

Screenshots / Videos



  • Deployment Best Practices: I learned the best practices for deploying applications on cloud platforms like Vercel, including version control integration and environment configuration.

  • Quality Assurance Importance: I recognized the crucial role of quality assurance in ensuring the stability and reliability of software, particularly in QR code generation.

  • Testing Strategies: I gained experience in using different testing strategies, helping me identify and address potential issues more effectively.

  • Migration Skills: I learned how to safely migrate components like interpretation and URLs to a production environment, minimizing disruptions.

  • Troubleshooting and Error Resolution: I developed problem-solving skills by resolving deployment errors on Vercel, improving my ability to handle issues in a real-world development environment.